Managing an Enhance server requires familiarity with various commands that help you monitor and maintain your server’s performance. Below is a list of essential daily commands that will assist you in efficiently managing your Enhance server. Enhance servers run on Ubuntu and utilize Docker containers for services like PHP, web servers, and account management, making these commands particularly useful.

Enhance ORCHD logs:

docker logs -f orchd

Container Stats Rams / CPU / Net IO / Block IO :

# With live updates :
sudo docker stats
# No live Updates:
docker stats --no-stream

Tail Apache Logs:

docker logs -f apache

Tail OpenLiteSpeed Logs:

docker logs -f openlitespeed

Tail LiteSpeed Logs:

docker logs -f litespeed

Tail Litespeed cPFence WAF logs :

docker exec litespeed tail -f /usr/local/lsws/logs/security_audit.log

docker exec litespeed tail -f /usr/local/lsws/logs/auditlog-debug.txt


docker exec openlitespeed tail -f /usr/local/lsws/logs/security_audit.log

docker exec openlitespeed tail -f /usr/local/lsws/logs/auditlog-debug.txt

Tail Nginx Logs:

docker logs -f nginx

Tail All Web Server Logs for all accounts :

tail -f /var/local/enhance/webserver_logs/*.log

Tail Web Server Logs for one website :

tail -f /var/local/enhance/webserver_logs/{uuid}.log

Tip: Replace {uuid} with the website ID which is visible in your browser’s address bar when managing the website.

Tail Docker Container Logs:

tail -f /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log

Tail System Logs:

tail -f /var/log/syslog

View Most Active IPs:

tail -n 500 /var/local/enhance/webserver_logs/*.log | grep -E '"[^"]*" "[^"]*" "[A-Z]+ [^"]*" "[^"]*" "[^"]*" "[^"]*" "[^"]*" "[^"]*"' | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

Edit Cronjob for Users:

crontab -e -u username

Container Management

Entering a Container:

docker exec -it apache bash
docker exec -it openlitespeed bash
docker exec -it litespeed bash
docker exec -it nginx bash

To exit, simply type:


Restarting Apache Service in Enhance:

docker exec apache apachectl -k stop
docker exec apache apachectl -k start
docker exec apache apachectl -k restart

Graceful Restart of Apache:

docker exec apache apachectl -k graceful

Restart / Stop / Start Litespeed & Openlitespeed Server:

docker exec openlitespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop
docker exec openlitespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start
docker exec openlitespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart
# Litespeed
docker exec litespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop
docker exec litespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start
docker exec litespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

Restart Mariadb or Mysql :

# Mysql
docker stop mysql
docker start mysql
# Mariadb
docker stop mariadb
docker start mariadb

Restart Enhance orchd:

docker restart orchd

Reinstalling Default UFW Rules:

On each server run this :

apt install --reinstall appcd

Then, on the control panel server:

docker restart orchd

Listing All Containers and Checking Status:

docker ps -a

Cancel cPanel imports that failed and are still pending:

Run this command :

docker exec -it orchd-postgres psql -U enhance

Then run this command :

update import_migrations set status = 'failed' where status = 'queued';

Cancel Hanged Pending Restores :

First run this :

docker exec -it orchd-postgres psql -U enhance

Then This :

update restores set finished_at = now() where finished_at is null;

Apply Latest Ubuntu Updates :

apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

Change Web server Type from the CLI on Main Control Panel :

On the main control panel :

appcd-cli change-webserver apache

Tip : you can replace apache with the server type you want , possible values: apache, dummy-web-server, lite-speed, open-lite-speed, nginx

List all Usernames for all accounts on the Enhance Server :

cat /etc/passwd | grep /var/www

Import Big DB via Command Line on Enhance:

su username
mysql -u db_username -p database_name < your_backup.sql

Clear Unused Docker Images to save space:

docker image prune -a

This will clear from 1 GB to 5GB or more.

Diagnose Enhance Server Disk Usage:
du --exclude='/var/container_tmp/*' --exclude='/var/lib/docker/*' --exclude='/var/local/enhance/*' --exclude='/proc' --exclude='/sys' -h / 2>/dev/null | awk '$1 ~ /[0-9]G/'


du --max-depth=3 --exclude=/var/lib/docker/overlay2 --exclude=/var/local/enhance/containers --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys -h /

And you can also run :

du --max-depth=2 --exclude=/var/local/enhance/containers /var/local/enhance -h

To find the accounts with the largest size, use:

du -sh /var/www/* | sort -rh

To find only the top 10 accounts by size, use:

du -sh /var/www/* | sort -rh | head -n 10

Find leftover .sql backup files :

find /*/*/*/.mysql_backup_enhance -type f -exec du -h {} \; -print

Search in Backups on Enhance Backup Server:

grep target_db_name /backups/*/backup-subvolume/home/public_html/wp-config.php


grep account_username /backups/*/backup-subvolume/home/.my.cnf

Search and Delete Snapshots on Enhance Backup Server :

# Search for Snapshots :
btrfs subvolume list /backups/ | grep 'website_id_here'

# Delete Snapshots with IDs:
btrfs subvolume delete --subvolid=id_from_list_command /backups/

Empty all syslog files

find /var/log/ -type f -name "syslog*" ! -name "*.gz" -exec truncate -s 0 {} \;

To clear the Main CP logs

docker exec -it orchd-postgres psql -U enhance


delete from activities;

Force Disable of local MTA :

systemctl stop postfix
systemctl disable postfix

Enhance Appcd CLI Tool :

This CLI tool from Enhance you can use –help to find more info about it :

appcd-cli --help
appcd client
appcd-cli [IP]
-h, --help Print help information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

These commands form the backbone of daily operations on an Enhance server. By familiarizing yourself with these commands, you can ensure smooth operation, quickly address issues, and maintain the security and performance of your server.

If you have any other useful commands that you regularly use to manage your Enhance server and aren’t listed here, we’d love to hear from you! Share your tips and tricks in the comments below to help others optimize their server management routines. Together, we can build a more comprehensive resource for the Enhance community.


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